Since reviewing their last album, 'NO SUMMER NO CRY', Slime Girls' music style has been constantly changing & evolving, becoming more unique. This was further seen in a remix of Skybox's track, 'æther'. Fast forward to the present, 'Don't Forget' is Slime Girls latest album, and is a lot shorter than 'NO SUMMER NO CRY', comprising as an EP of 5 tracks, whilst taking huge inspiration from ska & world music.
'Familymart (Miss u)' kicks off the album, causing havoc with its noodling of leads, crazy metal drums & adorable charm. As well as that, the bright & punchy nature of each sound gives the feel of an overly unique energy that you'll immediately relate to Slime Girls' music. This can be seen in some of leads of 'Familymart', where you'll hear a change in melodies, showing that Slime Girls are not afraid to deviate from paths.
Another sublime, bouncy track off Don't Forget is, 'Vacation Wasteland Z', an updated cover from Slime Girls' first album of the same name -'Vacation Wasteland' (They seem to be doing a few updates recently with old songs). The track translates very nicely through their unique style, the drums & flute inspired leads all nicely mixing together. However there also extra parts added into the reimagining of Vacation Wasteland, especially at 2:05, where the rest of the track is kicked into overdrive following the sound of whistles.
It's crazy to think how far Slime Girls have come from the first album back in 2012, relying on just guitar, LSDJ & drums. But having found their niche with 'Don't Forget' I think it's pretty safe to say Slime Girls will only grow bigger.
~ Slime Girls ~
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